Creating the Database

The KBI database has to be created (see Listing 11.1). It keeps its own user-login permissions, as well as the data for Reports 2 and 3. (Reports 1 and 4 will use existing data from the WCA application’s commish database.)

First, create the database by launching mysql and issuing the following command at the mysql> prompt:

create database kbi; 
Listing 11.1. Creating the KBI Database
use kbi; 

/* The first thing to do is to create the table of authorized users.
						* This table is just the user name; no password is required
						* for the KBI application.
						* usage:
						* % mysql -t < listing.11.1 
 */ drop table if exists tbl_authorized_users; create table tbl_authorized_users ( user_name varchar(20) ); insert into tbl_authorized_users ...

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