


@column_types  = $statement_handle->type;

Msql::Statement::type returns the types of the columns of data contained in the statement handle. When called in a scalar context the function returns a reference to an array. The pure value of this array is not of much use to most users (in the current implementation it is a list of integers). Rather, the values can be compared to the built-in values defined in such as &Msql::CHAR_TYPE and &Msql::INT_TYPE. One method of accessing this data is to build an array matching readable names to the predefined types. This method was demonstrated in Chapter 10. Another method is demonstrated below.


use Msql;
my $db = Msql->connect;
my $output = $db->query("select name, date from myothertable");

my ($name_type, $date_type) = $output->type;
for ($name_type) {
   $_ eq &Msql::CHAR_TYPE and do { print 'name is a CHAR'; last; }
   $_ eq &Msql::INT_TYPE and do { print 'name is an INT'; last; }
   # etc...
# repeat for $date_type

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