


@row_of_data = $statement_handle->fetchrow;

Msql::Statement::fetchrow returns the next row of data from a statement handle generated by Msql::query. Each successive call to Msql::Statement::fetchrow returns the next row of data. When there is no more data, the function returns an undefined value undef. The elements in the resultant array are in the order specified in the original query. If the query was of the form SELECT * FROM . . ., the elements are ordered in the same sequence that the fields were defined in the table.


use Msql;
my $db = Msql->connect;
my $query1 = "SELECT * FROM mytable";
my $query2 = "SELECT name, date FROM myothertable WHERE name LIKE 'Bob%'";
my $mytable_output = $db->query($query1);
my $myothertable_output = $db->query($query2);
my $i = 0;

# This will keep reading the rows of data until there
# are no more left.
while (my(@mytable_rows)=$mytable_output->fetchrow) {
   print "Row ".$i++.": ".join(', ',@mytable_rows)."\n";
   # Unless I know something about the structure of 'mytable'
   # I have no idea how many elements are in @mytable_rows or
   # what order they are in.

my ($name, $date);

# This is the first row of data from $myothertable_output.
($name, $date) = $myothertable_output->fetchrow;
# This is the next row...
($name, $date) = $myothertable_output->fetchrow;
# And the next...
my @name_and_date = $myothertable_output->fetchrow;
# etc...

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