


$number_of_rows = $statement_handle->rows;

DBI::rows returns the number of rows of data contained in the statement handle. With DBD::mSQL and DBD::mysql, this function is accurate for all statements, including SELECT statements. For many other drivers which do not hold of the results in memory at once, this function is only reliable for non-SELECT statements. This should be taken into account when writing portable code. The function returns `-1’ if the number of rows is unknown for some reason. The variable $DBI::rows provides the same functionality.


use DBI;
my $db = DBI->connect('DBI:mSQL:mydata',undef,undef);
my $query = "SELECT name, date FROM myothertable WHERE name='Bob'";
my $myothertable_output = $db->prepare($query);

my $rows = $myothertable_output->rows;
print "There are $rows 'Bob's in 'myothertable'.\n";

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