
DBI::fetchrow_arrayref, DBI::fetch


$array_reference = $statement_handle->fetchrow_arrayref;
$array_reference = $statement_handle->fetch;

DBI:: fetchrow_arrayref and its alias, DBI::fetch, work exactly like DBI::fetchrow_array except that they return a reference to an array instead of an actual array.


use DBI;
my $db = DBI->connect('DBI:mSQL:mydata',undef,undef);
my $query = "SELECT name, date FROM myothertable WHERE name LIKE 'Bob%'";
my $myothertable_output = $db->prepare($query);

my $name1 = $myothertable_output->fetch->[0]
# This is the 'name' field from the first row of data.
my $date2 = $myothertable_output->fetch->[1]
# This is the 'date' from from the *second* row of data.
my ($name3, $date3) = @{$myothertable_output->fetch};
# This is the entire third row of data. $myothertable_output->fetch returns a
# reference to an array. We can 'cast' this into a real array with the @{}
# construct.

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