


$ref_of_array_of_arrays = $statement_handle->fetchall_arrayref;

DBI::fetchall_arrayref returns all of the remaining data in the statement handle as a reference to an array. Each row of the array is a reference to another array that contains the data in that row. The function returns an undefined value undef if there is no data in the statement handle. If any previous DBI::fetchrow_* functions were called on this statement handle, DBI::fetchall_arrayref returns all of the data after the last DBI::fetchrow_* call.


use DBI;
my $db = DBI->connect('DBI:mSQL:mydata',undef,undef);
my $query = "SELECT name, date FROM myothertable";
my $output = $db->prepare($query);

my $data = $output->fetchall_arrayref;
# $data is not a reference to an array of arrays. The each element of the
# `master' array is itself an array that contains a row of data.

print "The fourth date in the table is: " . $data->[3][1] . "\n";
# data.
# Element 1 of that array is the date.

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