


$result = $statement_handle->bind_col($col_num, \$col_variable,

DBI::bind_col binds a column of a SELECT statement with a Perl variable. Every time that column is accessed or modified, the value of the corresponding variable changes to match. The first argument is the number of the column in the statement, where the first column is number 1. The second argument is a reference to the Perl variable to bind to the column. The optional third argument is a reference to a hash of attributes. This is unused in DBD::mysql and DBD::mSQL. The function returns an undefined value undef if the binding fails for some reason.


use DBI;
my $db = DBI->connect('DBI:mSQL:mydata',undef,undef);
my $query = "SELECT name, date FROM myothertable";
my $myothertable_output = $db->prepare($query);

my ($name, $date);
# $name and $date are now bound to their corresponding fields in the outout.

while ($myothertable_output->fetch) {
       # $name and $date are automatically changed each time.
				print "Name: $name Date: $date\n";

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