


mysqlimport [options] database [file]

Reads a file of data in a variety of common formats (such as comma delimited or fixed width) and inserts the data into a database. A table with the same name as the file must exist in the database with enough columns of the appropriate type to store the data.


-?, --help

Display usage information.

-# debuglevel, --debug=debuglevel

Set the debugging level. A list of all of the available options can be found at

-d, --delete

Delete all data currently in the table before inserting the new data.

-f, --force

Do not exit if an error is encountered.


Indicates that the fields in the data file are terminated by a string.


Indicates that the fields in the data file are enclosed by a string.


Indicates that the fields in the data file could also be enclosed by another string.


The string used as escape characters in the data file.

-h hostname, --host=hostname

Connect to a database server on a remote host.

-I, --ignore

Ignore the new data if it conflicts with an existing unique key.

-l, --lock-tables

Lock the tables before inserting the data.

-p [password], --password[=password]

Password used to connect to the database server. If no argument is given, the password is asked from the command line.

-P port, --port=port

Port used to connect to a remove database server.

-r, --replace

If the ...

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