


MYSQL *mysql_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host, const char *user,
const char *passwd)

Creates a connection to a MySQL database server. The first parameter must be a predeclared MYSQL structure. The second parameter is the hostname or IP address of the MySQL server. If the host is an empty string or localhost, a connection will be made to the MySQL server on the same machine. The final two parameters are the username and password used to make the connection. The password should be entered as plain text, not encrypted in any way. The return value is the MYSQL structure passed as the first argument, or NULL if the connection failed. (Because the structure is contained as an argument, the only use for the return value is to check if the connection succeeded.)


This function has been deprecated in the newer releases of MySQL and the mysql_real_connect function should be used instead.


/* Create a connection to the local MySQL server using the name "bob" and
   password "mypass" */
MYSQL mysql;
if(!mysql_connect(&mysql, "", "bob", "mypass")) {
			printf("Connection error!\n");
/* If we've reached this point we have successfully connected to the database
   server. */

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