Chapter 21. Perl Reference


To use the mSQL and MySQL interfaces to DataBase Dependent/DataBase Independent (DBI/DBD) or to the MsqlPerl and MysqlPerl modules, you must have the following:

Perl 5

You must have a working copy of Perl 5 on your system. At the time of this writing, the newest release of Perl was 5.005_02. You should have at least Perl 5.004 since earlier versions of Perl contained security related bugs. For more information about Perl, including download sites, see


The DataBase Independent portion of the DBI/DBD module can be downloaded from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). At the time of this writing, the most recent version is DBI-0.90. You can find it at


Data::ShowTable is a module that simplifies the act of displaying large amounts of data. The Msql-Mysql modules require this. The most recent version is Data-ShowTable-3.3 and it can be found at

mSQL and/or MySQL

Chapter 3, contains information about how to obtain and install the mSQL and MySQL database servers.

C compiler and related tools

The MsqlPerl and MysqlPerl modules require an ANSI compliant C compiler as well some common related tools (such as make, ld, etc.). The tools that built the copy of Perl you are using should be sufficient. If you have no such tools, the GNU C compiler (along with all necessary supporting programs) ...

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