Chapter 12. Caching with MySQL

One of the ways of making queries respond faster is to implement caching. A cache stores frequently used information in a place where it can be accessed faster. For example, a web browser like Firefox uses a cache to store the text, images, and other objects from recently visited websites on your hard drive. When you visit a page you have recently been to, the text and images do not have to be downloaded a second time. Another way objects on web pages are cached is through a caching proxy server such as Squid ( A caching proxy server is a proxy between the Internet and a set of machines. It eliminates the redundancy of each machine having a private cache. Furthermore, a cache of web objects from sites that all the machines have recently visited are stored, so a machine can benefit from a proxy cache even if it has never visited a particular web page before. Figure 12-1 shows a simplified diagram of a network of desktops that utilize a caching proxy server for web pages.

When users visit a web page their computer will first check the web page cache in their browser as described previously. If the page is not stored locally, the next step is to check the Squid cache. If the web page is not stored in the Squid cache, the web page is downloaded from the actual website—storing objects in the Squid and local browser cache along the way.

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