Using the explain plan in JSON format gives complete information about the query execution:

mysql> EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON SELECT dept_name FROM dept_emp JOIN employees ON dept_emp.emp_no=employees.emp_no JOIN departments ON departments.dept_no=dept_emp.dept_no WHERE employees.first_name='Aamer'\G*************************** 1. row ***************************EXPLAIN: {  "query_block": {    "select_id": 1,    "cost_info": {      "query_cost": "286.13"    },    "nested_loop": [      {        "table": {          "table_name": "employees",          "access_type": "ref",          "possible_keys": [            "PRIMARY",            "name"          ],          "key": "name",          "used_key_parts": [            "first_name"          ],          "key_length": "58",          "ref": [            "const"          ],          "rows_examined_per_scan": 228,          "rows_produced_per_join": 228, "filtered": "100.00", ...

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