How to do it...

If the replication is already set up between the servers, follow these steps:

  1. Enable GTIDs in my.cnf:
shell> sudo vi /etc/my.cnf[mysqld]gtid_mode=ONenforce-gtid-consistency=trueskip_slave_start
  1. Set the master as read-only and make sure that all the slaves catch up with the master. This is very important because there should not be any data inconsistency between master and slaves:
On mastermysql> SET @@global.read_only = ON;On Slaves (if replication is already setup)mysql> SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G
  1. Restart all the slaves to put GTID into effect. Since the skip_slave_start is given in the configuration file, the slave won't start until you specify the START SLAVE command. If you start the slave, it will fail with this error— ...

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