

About screen, 56, 364

accepting meeting invitations, 162


high-contrast display, 51

screen magnifier, enabling, 51

text size, adjusting, 50


browsing history, 190

charts in Excel, 248

Device Settings screen, 31

favorites list, 189

Games hub, 281-282

keypad, 319

LinkedIn, 422

Microsoft Office Mobile, 230

Office 365 SharePoint, 234

phone settings, 11

playlists, 141

rooms, 396

voicemail, 320

Xbox Guide, 312

accounts (Xbox Live), 285

Achievements (Xbox), 290, 311

activating Video mode (Camera), 174

Add an Account command, 405, 418, 421

Add Friend command (Games hub), 297

adding. See also creating

albums to your phone, 121

appointments to shared calendar, 403

attachments to messages, 103

audio to notes, 277

charts to ...

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