

1Password app, 292

3G connections

Data Roaming, 45

setting up, 44–45


About section (Settings screen), 24–25


Apple Component AV Cable, 317

Apple Composite AV Cable, 317

Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit, 323–324

Apple iPad case, 315

Apple iPad Dock, 314

Apple iPad Dock to VGA Adapter, 150, 226–227, 316–317

Apple iPad Keyboard Dock, 320–321

Apple Wireless Keyboard, 318–319

cases, 322–323

power chargers, 321–322

Accordèon app, 302

adapters, Apple iPad Dock to VGA Adapter, 150, 226–227, 316–317

adding contacts, 92–93

Air Hockey app, 303

AirSharing app, 292

albums, viewing, 62, 148–149

alert sounds, adjusting, 26–27

aligning text in documents, 164–165

Angry Birds app, 305

app screens, 10

App Store

finding apps, 250

purchasing ...

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