

10-day duration list enhancement, 96


abbreviations used in listings, 129-131

Absolute Beginner’s Guide to eBay (Miller), 4

accepting PayPal payments, 190


bank accounts, linking to PayPal account, 188

eBay accounts, 49

creating, 8-9

editing account settings, 11

managing, 251-252

seller accounts, 101

signing in, 9-10

signing out, 10

PayPal accounts, 20-21

accepting payments, 190

Business PayPal accounts, 186

collecting payments, 190-191

creating, 150

overview, 185-186

paying eBay fees from, 170

paying for purchases with, 57-59

payment holds, 191

Personal accounts, 186

Premier PayPal accounts, 186

signing up for, 187-189

transaction fees, 189-190

Verified PayPal members, 189

withdrawing funds from, 192-193

Account Settings, ...

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