Presentation tier foundation

Let's start things off by creating the visual layout of our application by following these steps:

  1. Start a new Visual Studio instance.
  2. Create a new WPF application project called Northwind.UI.WPF, and name the solution Northwind.
  3. Add a folder to Northwind.UI.WPF called Skins, and add a new Resource Dictionary (WPF) file to that folder called MainSkin.xaml.
  4. Open MainWindow.xaml for editing and update it as follows:
    <Window x:Class="Northwind.UI.WPF.MainWindow" xmlns=" 2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="" Title="MainWindow" MinHeight="350" MinWidth="525" xmlns:ViewModel="clr-namespace:Northwind.ViewModel; assembly=Northwind.ViewModel" DataContext="{Binding ...

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