Author's Acknowledgments

Many people contribute to the birth of a book, and this book is no exception. First, I owe a deep debt of gratitude to James Collins, who inspired me when I was a young and impressionable business school student. Jim encouraged me to try to improve some small part of the business world by being an entrepreneur and focusing solely on what customers needed rather than on what made the quickest buck.

The technical reviewer for this edition of the book was Mercer Bullard. He helped to improve each and every chapter, and I am thankful for that.

Thanks to all the good people in the media and other fields who have taken the time to critique and praise my previous writing so that others may know that it exists and is worth reading. And to those too lazy to open the book just because of its bright yellow color and title, I say, "Don't judge a book by its cover!"

And a final and heartfelt thanks to all the people on the front lines and behind the scenes at Wiley who helped to make this book and my others a success. A big round of applause, please, for Kelly Ewing as project editor and as outstanding copy editor. Special thanks to Mike Baker. Thanks also to the Composition, Graphics, Proofreading, and Indexing staff for their great efforts in producing this book.

P.S. Thanks to you, dear reader, for buying my books.

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