List of Tables

Table 1.1. The Top Nine Most Powerful Supercomputers as of June 2014, Sorted in Descending Order of their TFlop/KW Ratio 9

Table 2.1. Decomposition Patterns and the Most Suitable Program Structure Patterns for Implementing Them 53

Table 3.1. Qt classes for implementing binary and counting semaphores and their most important methods. The acquire(n), release(n), and tryAcquire(n) are convenience methods that increment or decrement a general semaphore n times, without the need for a loop 71

Table 3.2. Software patterns employed for using a semaphore in each of its three distinct roles. 74

Table 3.3. A summary of the required number and type of semaphores needed to solve the producers-consumers problem 78

Table 3.4. A list of the ...

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