
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Absolute Mode, of MSP430 assembler, 138
Absorption law, 96
Acoustic transducers, 250
AC voltage, 23–24
ADC10AE0 register, 232–233
ADC10CTL0 register, 233–236
ADC10CTL1 register, 236–237
ADC10 encode bit, 343–344
ADC10 example, 238–239
ADC10MEM register, 238
ADC10 register, 335f
Adder function symbol, 99f
Addressing in assembly language, 136–140
addressing words in memory, 137
bytevs. word instructions, 136–137
hexadecimal memory address conventions, 137
Air-core inductors, 32
Algebraic identities, 94–96
associativity, 95–96
commutativity, 95–96
distributivity, 95–96
Aliasing, 227
Ambient light
fluorescent lighting, 285–286
incandescent ...

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