Chapter 12

Resolving Issues and Keeping Track of Detail

In This Chapter

arrow Dealing with issues

arrow Controlling changes

arrow Keeping track of your assets with configuration management

arrow Allocating responsibilities

Issue management has a lot in common with risk management, both in general and within programme management, because many issues are risks that have happened. I cover managing risk in Chapter 11 and suggest you read that chapter in combination with this one. Inevitably certain topics overlap between risks and issues: for example, here I cover which programme individuals need to be responsible for which tasks.

In this chapter I look at the specifics of resolving issues. I also consider the associated subject of change control: issues can lead to unexpected changes; therefore you need to control these changes. Doing so is much easier if you understand the configuration (or versions) of the different assets in the programme. If configuration management is a new term to you, for the moment just think about it as version control.

I consider configuration management alongside issue management, ...

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