Chapter 5

Creating Your Programme's Vision

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding why a Vision is vital for your programme

arrow Incorporating all the key elements in a Vision

arrow Striking the appropriate tone in a Vision

arrow Getting the right people involved in your Vision

Most programmes are long – three to five years is typical. Some may be substantially longer; I've worked on one that's planned to last for a century! Their length or the fact that they're being carried out in an uncertain environment means that most programmes can't be planned from start to finish. Therefore, all you can say about a conventional plan for a programme – in other words, a schedule showing activities and timescales – is that it won't happen. The difficulty is working out what will happen.

You and the other stakeholders in your programme can't know the nature of the entire journey. You know only a portion of it: perhaps what's going to happen in the next year. So in order to keep on track, you need to have a clear picture of the destination. In MSP, this picture is called the Vision.

The Vision is the destination, not ...

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