
2D and 3D layers, layering, 227–228

2D motion control, creating, 329

2.5D, working in, 223


converting objects to, 222

creating with Repoussé, 80–82

3D cameras

animating, 354–356

integrating panoramas with, 389–391

3D content

isolating effects for, 226–227

rendering, 225

3D effects, updating, 230

3D elements, adjusting, 243–244

3D files

formats in Photoshop, 240–241

importing, 224–225

3D in After Effects

active cameras switching, 251–252

camera presets, 250–251

controlling cameras with null objects, 253–254

creating rack focus effects, 252

depth of field, 252–253

effect cameras, 252

Focus Distance, 252–253

moving layers in Z space, 251

multiple views, 249–250

parenting lights, 254

posing subjects, 251

switching preview resolution, ...

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