Creating new form elements

Creating new form elements uses the same easy-to-remember syntax as creating any other HTML elements. We can then inject them into our form on the fly. Prepare by being familiar with this syntax.

How to do it...

Create new form elements that each have a unique name.

<form action="javascript:" method="get" id="my_form"> <input type="button" id="add_input" value="Add Input"/> <input type="button" id="my_submit" value="Submit Form"/> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> var num_els = 0; $('add_input').addEvent('click',function() { num_els++; // create a new FORM element (INPUT) new Element('input',{ 'type' : 'text', 'name' : 'input_'+num_els, 'value': String.uniqueID(), 'style': 'display:block;' }).inject('my_form','bottom'); ...

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