Injecting a "TR" data row into a "Table"

Those coming from the previous recipe will note quite a similarity. There are only a few differences in this example, and it shows how to handle rows instead of cells.

How to do it...

Inject a TR instead of a TD. Set the property HTML instead of TEXT in the Element() constructor, and the DOM markup will vary in that the table will expand vertically, via TR elements instead of horizontally via TD elements.

<h1>World's Coolest Superheroes </h1> <form action="javascript:" method="get"> <input id="submit" type="button" value="Add a TR"/> </form> <table border="1" id="marble"> <tr> <th>Superhero</th> </tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> var other_heroes = ['Spider-Man', 'Iron Man', 'Hulk', 'Captain America', ...

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