
The Grades and Gradebook modules have been revised in Moodle versions 1.9+ and include a number of vital differences. The changes are good and make it easier for you and your students. Note: If you're using an older version, you should either update or go to and find documentation for your version.

The Moodle Grades module is made up of two parts:

  • Grades: The scores you or Moodle assigns for work in the Moodle course.
  • Gradebook: A repository for all grades for every learner in your course. The Gradebook module is a tool for you to use with your course and every student, and it's available for all learners so they can see their own grades and course averages (if you enable that functionality). The links in the Grades section of the Site Administration block enable you to make changes to the default settings.

From the Grades section, you can access the links described in the following sections.

General Settings

General grade settings enable you to change the defaults and create a set of defaults for your site courses. You can enable or disable the graded roles, outcomes, scales in aggregated grades, publishing grades, or a number of different grades features. There are too many to list here and explain each. The Moodle Grade Settings page, shown in Figure 13-17, provides a brief explanation for each setting. If you need more help, click the Moodle Docs for This Page at the bottom of the page to find a more detailed explanation.

Figure 13-17: The General ...

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