Example 6 – Load the MySQL customer changed data into the HBase table

Here, we have used the InsUpd_on column as our ETL date:

sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/orders --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --username sales --password sales1 --table customer --hbase-table customer --column-family cf1 --hbase-row-key cust_id --append -- -m 1 --where "InsUpd_on > 1505095060"hbase shellhbase(main):010:0> get 'customer', '4'COLUMN          CELLcf1:InsUpd_on   timestamp=1511509774123, value=1505095065cf1:cust_city   timestamp=1511509774123, value=Dublincf1:cust_name   timestamp=1511509774123, value=Harry Warner3 row(s) in 0.0200 secondshbase(main):011:0> get 'customer', '12'COLUMN           CELLcf1:InsUpd_on    timestamp=1511509776158, value=1505095075cf1:cust_city ...

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