Ingest documents into index

The following curl command can be used to ingest a single document in the my_index index:

curl -X PUT 'localhost:9200/my_index/customer/1' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Angela Martin","birthdate": "1997-11-02","street": "63542 Times Square","city": "New York","state": "NY","zip": "10036","homePhone": "212-415-8929","cellPhone": "212-171-8187"}'

In the previous command, we use a type called customer, which is a logical partition of an index. In a RDBMS analogy, a type is like a table in Elasticsearch.

Also, we used the number 1 after the type customer. It is an ID of a customer. If we omit it, then Elasticsearch will generate an arbitrary ID for the document.

We have multiple documents to be ...

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