Example 2 – Accessing nested JSON documents with Hive (Hive 0.14 and later versions)

We will see how to query Nested JSON documents using HiveQL. Let's assume we want to access the following Sample-Json-complex.json file in HiveSample-Json-complex.json:

{"DocId":"Doc1","User1":{"Id":9192,"Username":"u2452","ShippingAddress":{"Address1":"6373 Sun Street","Address2":"apt 12","City":"Foster City","State":"CA"},"Orders":[{"ItemId":5343,"OrderDate":"12/23/2017"},{"ItemId":7362,"OrderDate":"12/24/2017"}]}} 

Load Sample-Json-simple.json into HDFS:

[root@sandbox ~]# hadoop fs -mkdir  /user/hive-complex-data/ 
[root@sandbox ~]# hadoop fs -put Sample-Json-complex.json /user/hive-complex-data/ 

Create an external Hive table, json_nested_table:

hive> CREATE ...

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