
Mathematical quantities included in the text are always written in italic.

x = (xi)i=1. . .p: Vector (of dimension p) of uncertain model inputs representing sources of uncertainties, uncertain variables or events

e = (ei)i=1. . .p: Vector (of dimension p′) of uncertain model inputs representing uncertain events

d: Vector (of dimension nd) of fixed model inputs representing design or decision variables or conditional scenarios

: Vector of fixed model inputs taken at their reference value in a comparative study

z = (zl)l=1. . .r: Vector (of dimension r) of the model output variables or events of interest

y = (yk)k=1. . .q: Vector (of dimension q) of model observable output variables

u, umod, umes: Vectors (of dimension q) of model error or more generally measurement-model deviations: u represents the total deviation, potentially broken down into umes a metrological error component and umod, a model error component: u = umod + umes

xt, et, yt, zt,. . .: Vector of time-dependent variables that is vector time series. The time series nature is left implicit in cases where it does not matter much, thus omitting the subscript t in simplified notation x, e, y, z,. . .

ym = (ymk)k=1. . .q: Vector (of dimension q) of measurements on observable outputs, so that ym = y + u

G(.) or G(.): Deterministic function (generally very complex) representing the system model linking uncertain or fixed input vectors to the vector of output variables of interest: z = G(x, d). Notation will ...

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