
Advancements in silicon technology, micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), wireless communications, computer networking, and digital electronics have led to the proliferation of embedded systems in a plethora of application domains (e.g., industrial and home automation, automotive, space, medical, and defense). To meet the diverse application requirements of these application domains, novel trends have emerged in embedded systems. One such trend is networking single-unit embedded systems to form a multiple-unit embedded system, also referred to as a distributed embedded system. Given the collective computing capabilities of the single-unit embedded systems, the distributed embedded system enables more sophisticated applications of greater value as compared to an isolated single-unit embedded system. An emerging trend is to connect these distributed embedded systems via a wireless network instead of a bulky, wired networking infrastructure. Another emerging trend in embedded systems is to leverage multicore/manycore architectures to meet the continuously increasing performance demands of many application domains (e.g., medical imaging, mobile signal processing). Both single-unit and distributed embedded systems can leverage multicore architectures for attaining high performance and energy efficiency. Since processing is done in parallel with multicore-based embedded systems, these systems are being termed as parallel embedded systems. The burgeoning of multicore architectures ...

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