
Goals of Property-Model Methodology

I.1. Introduction

This book is an introduction to a systems engineering methodology, called property-model methodology (PMM). This compound noun is formed from two of its main characteristics, namely, the formulation of requirements due to the concept of property (property-based requirements (PBR)) and the adoption of a model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach.

In this introduction, we will begin by (1) giving a brief description of this methodology, and will then present (2) its goals and (3) the processes undertaken and how these goals can be satisfied. In the last section, we will present the organization of the book.

I.2. Brief overview

PMM is a methodology for developing the following technological system types: discrete systems (such as avionics), continuous systems (such as fuel systems), mixed systems (such as electrical generating systems) and multiphysical systems (such as landing gear systems).

This is a descending development approach, arranged from top to bottom, but it authorizes the reuse of pre-existing blocks at all hierarchy levels of a type of systems.

This development approach is compatible with current industrial development standards, specifically ARP4754A and EIA632.

For example, it covers rigorously the following ARP4754A processes:

1) Development Process:
a) requirement determination;
b) architecture and design;
2) Requirement and Assumption Validation Process;
3) Implementation Verification Process; ...

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