
I would like to thank all those who contributed to this book, often unknowingly, during a reading, a discussion, a comment about a technological fact or rule and what not.

First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the intellectual debt that I took from Mario Augusto Bunge, the Argentine-Canadian philosopher of science. His work, discovered by chance in [DUR 02], became to me over the years the most demanding, the most encyclopedic, the most fertile and, especially, the most true of contemporary epistemologies (because, of course, all epistemologies are not of equal value [BUN 12]). His vision, ontological, epistemological and methodological, is not only of a philosophical background, but also the tool that allowed me to develop an approach for the development of technological systems which is, both theoretically sound and practically effective and efficient. I have maybe sometimes misunderstood concepts and propositions supported by Mario A. Bunge, or I have reused them roughly, but his work and how he puts it forward are both a solid foundation on which to build and also an invitation to think for myself and, I hope, for the best. I also accept full repsonsibility for weaknesses. I would also emphasize the conceptual borrowings I took from Vladimir Hubka, Norbert Roozenburg and John Gero.

In second place, comes the Doctor, and Major General, Dominique Luzeaux. I had the privilege of working with him in the French chapter of INCOSE (AFIS). Chairman of this ...

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