
Here are just a few final thoughts to keep in mind before you get started with this book. Although you’re unlikely (at least pretty unlikely) to make your computer explode by following the directions in this book, there are a few guidelines you should keep in mind:

You’re on your own.

If you follow the examples in this book to a T, things should work just swimmingly. However, I can’t sit beside you and guide your mouse, especially if you take what you’ve learned from the examples in this book and try to work your mojo on some other application or part of the system.

You do these things at your own risk.

Software hacking, while fun, is like walking across the street; you need to look in both directions before crossing. Be aware and wary of what you’re doing, and keep notes about what you’ve done in case you need to later retrace your steps (or avoid a step you’ve taken that went wrong).

We have no legal liability.

By using any of the methods in this book, you signify your assent to the following Terms and Conditions. The author and publisher of this book are not responsible for whatever you do to your system or applications and accept no liability related to the delay, failure, interruption, or corruption of any data on your computer nor for any direct, incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damage resulting from any defect in this write-up, nor for any adverse effects of time dilation and/or tachyon production caused by working through these exercises too quickly.

The author, Erica Sadun, and O’Reilly Media, Inc., make no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of any software described herein for any particular purpose, nor do they assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product, system, or software, and specifically disclaim any and all liability, including, without limitation, consequential or incidental damages. The software described herein are not designed, intended, or authorized for use in any application in which the failure of a system could create a situation in which loss of data or information, or damages to property may occur. Should the reader implement any design described herein for any application, the reader shall indemnify and hold the author, O’Reilly Media, Inc., and their shareholders, officers, employees, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, expenses, and reasonable solicitor fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of loss of data or information, or damages to property associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.

Although the author and editor have made every effort to keep this book accurate and reliable, we make no claims that this book is appropriate for its readers—or anyone else, for that matter. The methods found within these pages are neither recommended nor endorsed by Apple Computer, Inc., for any purpose whatsoever. The contents of these pages are not intended as a substitute for professional application development, modification, or gourmet cooking classes. Reliance on any content in this book is solely at your own risk. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold the author, her heirs, agents, and licensors harmless against any and all claims, liability, losses, costs, and expenses (including attorney’s fees) incurred by any party in connection with any use (or alleged use) of the contents (or alleged contents) of this book.

Be just and fear not.

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