Implementing the remaining steps

Come back to the Sample.feature file and create step definitions for the other two steps in the sample class file, HomePageSteps.

Step 2 implementation:

  1. In the And I choose to log in using Google step, we are supposed to click on the Google icon once the app launches.
  2. The sequence of steps is:
    1. Find the locator for the Google icon.
    2. Click on the icon.
  1. To find the locator, we need the Appium GUI app (Since the android settings are correct and unaltered, we can start the session again by clicking on Launch).
  2. Once the server has started, click on the Appium inspector icon and wait for the app to launch on emulator.
  3. Click on the Refresh button in the Appium Inspector popup.
  4. Once done, click on the Google icon ...

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