
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicates figures and t indicates tables.


Access control 28, 185
Advanced persistent threats (APTs) 20
Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) 101
Adware 18–19, 59
AES encryption 159
Amazon’s Appstore 9
antimobile malware apps for 178–184, 187t, 193–199
app certification 184–185
application security 174–176
app permissions 174–176
architecture 102f
attack vectors/actors 179t
component permissions 175
context-aware security 185
data encryption 185–186
detection time 193, 195f, 196f
experiment setup 186–193, 191f
insecure data storage 158
libraries component 101
machine learning 108–117
malware application 106–108
malware threats and countermeasures 176–186
metrics 192–193
operating system 168–174
permission ...

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