B.2. Using Bluetooth Console

In this section, we assume that the RFCOMM serial port is set up correctly. You should also see the serial port service from the phone using Example 55, as described above. After this is done, there are only few reasons for the Bluetooth console not to work.

Bluetooth console is used in a terminal emulator application. Windows comes with one called HyperTerminal and several others are available for free. Linux and Mac OS X users have plenty of choices as well, but a program called screen is most often installed by default.

You can type any Python expression on the Bluetooth console. When the console seems to be active, you can try to type the following two lines on your PC and see what happens on the phone:

import appuifw
appuifw.note(u"Woohoo!", "info")

B.2.1. Windows

HyperTerminal can be found at Programs, Accessories, Communications, HyperTerminal. HyperTerminal is used as follows:

  1. Open the program. First, it asks for a connection name, you can use for example 'btconsole'. Press OK and select the correct COM port. The port is the one you set up in the Local Services tab in the Bluetooth configuration panel. Select the fastest connection speed.

  2. On your phone, open PyS60 interpreter and on the options menu, choose 'Bluetooth console'.

  3. Your computer's name should show up in the list – choose it.

  4. If the script executing on the phone prints 'OK', the console should be up and running. Hit enter on HyperTerminal to see the command prompt of the PyS60 interpreter. ...

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