Chapter 16: Measuring Success. Return on Investment Involvement: How to Define Success

We’re on the last three chapters of this book now, which means it’s time to start thinking about the end. What do you want out of your mobile efforts? What does success look like for you and how will you know it when you see it? What are the criteria by which you will assess your mobile presence? And how will you keep evolving the way you measure once your work is in the market? image We’ve saved this conversation for Chapter 16, but the truth is you should be thinking about what success looks like from the very beginning. Let’s dig into the hows and whys right now. Thinking about success is a process that will guide you throughout your work. You’ll first define the criteria for success, and you’ll continue to reevaluate and hone your ideas along the way as your work develops. image To begin the process, consider: (1) How does mobile blend into your overall marketing mix? (2) Within mobile, what do you want to see happen? What’s the goal? (3) How will we know when you reach that goal? What tools, processes and units of measurement will you use to determine whether you’ve reached it?

Investment vs. Involvement

In the business world, ROI commonly means return on investment. It refers to the profit, or measurable ...

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