
Many intelligent people have made major contributions to Mobile IPv6 and its companion protocols including Network Mobility, Fast Handovers, Hierarchical Mobility and so on. Thanks are due to all of them, especially to the long-suffering participants of the Mobile IP working group of the IETF. In addition to learning a lot and enjoying many good conversations during the years of development, we appreciate the many benefits and improvements that have resulted from the group effort. In these acknowledgments, we would like to mention specifically some people whose personal interactions have enriched our experience of developing the protocols and writing this book.

Our research colleagues in Nokia Research Center, in Mountain View, California played a very important part in helping to shape the way we understood the promise and potential of Mobile IPv6 by way of numerous prototype implementations from a very early version all the way to the eventual standard. We shared the joys and the pain of Connectathons, TAHI test suites, ETSI interoperability events, and countless internal demonstrations for various product managers and research associates. Our hearty thanks go to Vijay Devarapalli, Jari Malinen, T.J. Kniveton, and Meghana Patil nee Sahasrabudhe, as well as our fond hopes of working together again in the future. Thanks also to Hannu Flinck, who worked tirelessly and endured great stress to obtain funding for our many projects, apart from contributing to implementation. ...

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