In this chapter, the classification of tracking scenarios and numerous solutions proposed in the literature for tracking in wireless sensor networks were introduced. These approaches are categorized as target tracking and event boundary determination. The focus on target tracking is the identification of the target, while the objective of boundary determination is the selection of sensors near the event boundary to stand for the exact boundary. Then, a novel distributed tracking method, called CollECT, for WHSNs was mentioned. CollECT involves vicinity triangulation, event determination, and border sensor selection procedures to not only construct the vicinity triangulation for the determination of the event but also select several reasonable border sensors for the identification of the exact event boundary. Overall, motivated by the collaboration of both the same and the different types of sensors, CollECT is able to achieve event detection and tracking promptly. Note that because the wireless heterogeneous sensor network differs from the wireless homogeneous sensor network in numerous characteristics, various issues discussed in the wireless homogeneous sensor network should be worthy to be revisited. Thus, future studies can also explore the solutions to deployment, routing, coverage, and active/asleep scheduling in WHSNs.

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