In this chapter, we have reviewed current trends in data mining technologies on moving object databases. Data mining on moving object databases has different requirements from conventional data mining since moving objects have a dynamic nature and spatio-temporal semantics, and different use is made of mined knowledge. The new requirements give birth to new technologies. As described above, a variety of interesting approaches have appeared in this field of research.

We have also shown some pointers to related areas. The spatio-temporal database technology is a closely related topic in moving object databases. It is a generic name for databases that store and manage information regarding objects with temporal and spatial features, and includes the notion of moving objects databases. A spatio-temporal database is, however, not necessarily for moving objects because it is used, for example, for representation of time-varying geographic information. Refs [32, 41] are collections of articles on spatio-temporal data mining. Roddick et al. [50] provides a reference list concerning data mining technology including spatio-temporal databases up to the year 2000. López et al. [38] survey aggregation techniques for spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal databases. Aggregation is used to accumulate statistics from an underlying database and is useful for data mining and learning from the data. Dunham et al. [11] and Wang et al. [59] review spatio-temporal data mining technologies. ...

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