
Access control

engine (ACE), 442, 447, 457464

preference manager, 462

Access point (AP)

fixed, 176

functions of, 93

MDAS query processing, 114

Access time, 193195, 197, 202, 204, 210

Accuracy, significance of, 155157, 160, 231, 234, 305, 392, 407, 438, 443445, 501, 506

Accusations, false, 359

Achievement goals, 331

ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) properties in transaction management, 114, 116117

Acknowledgment (ACK), 4647, 49, 52, 54, 59, 159, 364366, 370, 373

ACQUIRE (Agent-based Complex Querying and Information Retrieval Engine), 111112, 115

Action thriller films, 535536

Actions, 451

Active mode, 193

Active Badges, 304

Actor constraints, 234

ActorNet, 130131

Actual attribute region, 584586

Ad-hoc authorization, 234235

Ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol, 6, 10, 1317, 23, 57, 95, 103, 122, 352353, 416

Ad hoc wireless networks, 163187

Adaptability, 27

Adaptive optimization, 115

Adaptive probing, 360

Adaptive relays, 123

Addition, AgentSpeak(L), 331332

Address decoupling, 68

Advanced forward link trilateration (A-FLT), 215

Advanced Systems Format (ASF), 532

Adversary class/nodes, 604607

Advertisements, 64, 7071, 81

Affiliation, location-based access control, 451

Affinity profile, 498499, 503

Agent-based community-oriented routing network (ACORN), 109110

Agent management, Agilla sensor network, 129

Agent-oriented architectures

BDI (belief-desire-intention)

and AGENTSPEAK(L), 330332, 340

context-aware communication, ...

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