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Maxine's Travel Agency

Tour Financing


Submission Instructions Complete Case 17 in Excel. Answer the questions at the end of this case and insert the answers on an Answer Sheet in Case 17 Excel spreadsheet. Ask your instructor for submission instructions.

Preview Maxine's Travel Agency specializes in planning international travel tours for retirees. The travel agency organizes large, all-inclusive tours, with available financing options. As the accountant in the billing department, you want to create a spreadsheet application to show clients different travel destinations, a breakdown of a trip's cost, and a table showing a customer's monthly payment depending on the cost of the tour.

Skill Set

PMT function

Data validation


Data table

Formula audit

Scenario manager

Background Maxine's Travel Agency is located in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. Maxine has been booking travel tours for many years, specializing in the special travel needs of retirees. Maxine organizes tours of up to three weeks for groups of 20 to 40 people. Most of her customers like to travel to destinations in South America, Asia, and Europe. The travel agency provides all-inclusive travel packages that include domestic and international flights, most meals, lodging at 4-star hotels, and special excursions and attractions. They also provide the option to finance a trip with ...

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