
Chapter 6Enriching Your Life

Imagine how rich our lives and relationships could be if we were present in them more often.

Several years ago, I had an amazing experience, one of the times in my life that I have been most present. I drove with my friend David Sink to the remote mountains of North Carolina to be with teachers and old friends for a very special martial and meditative training seminar. When we arrived, the mountains were enshrouded in the clouds, with a drizzling mist floating all around.

I spent most of the first evening just greeting people and setting up my tent. Warnings were given not to leave food out, since the 200 acres of woods that Dr. Richard Stack shared with us joined a national forest, and cougar and bear sightings were not unusual. It rained hard all night long, and much of the next day. The ground was hard, my tent leaked, my clothes were soaked and muddy most of the time, but the little boy in me had a blast.

My teacher, Stephen K. Hayes, is very down to earth, but also challenges me to be open to bigger things. He is quite an inspiration in the way he relates to others, shares his knowledge, cares about his friends and family, and brings to life the goals he sets his intentions on. He often appears wizard-like in his ability to do things, but openly shares his practical strategies. He has worked very hard over the years to become so natural and ...

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