It’s a personal thing

Major elements of creativity are the personal qualities, abilities and skills of individuals. These can be distilled into two upbeat core propositions:

check.png Anyone can be creative. The core message: everyone has the potential to be creative and any mentally sound person can be creative. Except in the case of extremely talented people with special gifts, genes have no role here. The assertion ‘I’m not a bit creative’ just won’t wash.

check.png Creativity is something you can practise. Creativity can be practised and improved. Anyone can improve their creative potential.

The most important personal factors influencing creativity are:

check.png Motivation. Motivation is absolutely essential for being creative in a particular field. If you don’t feel like doing something, then you’ll find it very hard to produce something new and useful.

check.png Using techniques and methods. Creativity is on the one hand spontaneous and can be favoured by chance. But creativity is in no way limited to this. Creativity is more than just creating the right framework conditions for something. There are many techniques ...

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