
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.

2-in-1 devices, 266–267

4/8-pin 12V connector, 93, 94

10Base2 networking, 30

10BaseT, 563

32-bit CPUs, 415

32-bit processors, 114

32-bit programs, 395

64-bit CPUs, 415

64-bit processors, 114

64-bit programs, 395

100BaseT, 563

104-bit encryption, 616

128-bit encryption, 616

802.11 standards, 618–619, 666–667

802.11 Wi-Fi standard, 272–273

802.11a standard, 618

802.11ac standard, 273, 618

802.11b standard, 272–273, 618

802.11g standard, 272–273, 618

802.11n standard, 273, 618

1000BaseT, 563


AC (alternating current), 6

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