Copying from CDs

By default, Media Player converts CD audio into .wma files, a Microsoft media format. Informal testing indicates that a 64 kilobits/seconds (Kb/s) .wma file is equal in quality to that of a 128Kb/s MP3 file. For example, an average MP3-rendered CD will take approximately 60MB of disk space; its .wma counterpart will take about 30MB, although Microsoft claims it is actually 28MB. The quality of .wma files is more than acceptable.

What Is Digital Audio?

Digital audio is the sum of three components: KHz, Bit depth, and Bit rate. They are defined as follows:

  • KHz—KHz [pronounced kee-low-hurtz] describes the “sampling rate” at which audio is recorded. The higher the sampling rate, the better is the quality—that is, up to a point. For ...

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