Own Your Own: Lab 10a Implementing Basics for the InStr Command

In this lab, you play with the InStr command to become familiar with the basic features of its implementation. Because this is a short script, you don’t need to implement a full Header information section.

Lab Instructions

  1. Open Notepad.exe.

  2. Create a variable called searchString and set it equal to 5. Your line will look like the following:

    searchString = "5"
  3. Create another variable called textSearched and set it equal to 123456789. Your second line will look like this:

    textSearched = "123456789"
  4. Create a third variable called InStrReturn and set it equal to the following InStr command: InStr (textSearched, searchString). This line will look like the following:

    InStrReturn = InStr (textSearched, ...

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