

& (AND) operators, 16

&& (AND) operators, 16

{} (braces), 10

{0} placeholders, 24

^ (XOR) operators, 16

= (single equals) operators, 16

== (double-equals) operators, 16

! (NOT) operators, 16

<connectionStrings> element (Web.config files)

Profile providers, creating, 455-456

Role provider, configuring, 448

<machineKey> elements, 344

<membership>, 440-441

<roleManager> element (Web.config files), configuring Role provider, 448

| (OR) operators, 16

|| (OR) operators, 16


2D arrays, 37

jagged arrays, mixing with, 40-41

sample of, 38-39

3D arrays, 37

4D arrays, 37


Abandon method, 330

Abort method, 125

abstract classes, 59

AccessDataSource, 396

accessors, add/remove, 114-117

Add method, 44, 330, 568

AddingNew event, 569

AddNew ...

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