
I would like to dedicate this book in loving memory of my grandmother, Gertrude Holdridge, who recently passed away at the “young” age of 87. You will be dearly missed, “Gramma Gert.”

—Ray Rankins

Dedicated to my children, for the countless times they heard me say “No, not now, I’m writing chapters!” Thanks, Paul Jr., Marissa, Nina, Juliana, and Donny; I love you all very much!

—Paul Bertucci

This book is dedicated to my Mom and Dad. My mother, Arlene Gallelli, is the perfect mom. Her love, kindness, and relentless support have helped me in all aspects of my life, including the creation of this book. My Dad, Joe Gallelli, is a great father and a great friend. He is an encyclopedia of knowledge, and I can always count on his wisdom ...

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